
  • H.4324Proposing a state constitutional amendment to lift the sales restriction on liquor between 7pm and 9am 
  • H.4318 – Cable service providers must provide refunds for interruptions in service 
  • S.793 – Employers are not allowed to consider or request disclosure of the criminal record of an applicant for employment until after the candidate has been selected for an interview. Also creates a tax credit for businesses that hire ex-convicts under certain conditions
  • H.4319 – Upon request, the DMV must offer a Real ID compliant driver’s license that lists the driver’s name as it appears on their current driver’s license 
  • H.4338 – Allowing licensed producers of mead and/or hard cider to provide taste testing

Civil Court 

  • S.795 – Giving liability protection to public officials and volunteers who oversee probationers doing community service, unless an injury results from gross negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct
  • H.4321 – Designates a specific form to be filled out to choose whether to launch a lawsuit, seek mediation, or other form of remedy when filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim action against a third party 
  • H.4339 – Authorizing courts to award certain reliefs having to do with restraining orders and remedies like it after simply holding a hearing


  • H.4323 – State Lottery Scholarships can go to students attending institutions accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges 
  • H.4325 – Public schools and institutions of higher learning may not introduce a course teaching critical race theory and no school may compel or direct students to adopt or adhere to critical race theory  
  • H.4343 – Schools must have an online option for parents to give feedback about instructional materials and methods; banning instruction of  the “1619 project” or any teaching that one race is inherently inferior or superior
  • H.4347 – Allowing students to have sunscreen and sun protective clothing at school and events, and to allow the Dept. of Social Services day camps to allow children to have sunscreen. Allowing staff to help apply sunscreen with parental consent


  • S.781 – Waiving the application fee for a concealed weapons permit, and creating a $100 income tax credit for completing an accepted basic or advanced handgun education course
  • S.786 – A person that owns a boat or boat motor, who is registered in the state and moves to a new state, must write his former county auditor who will refund a the remaining portion of his taxes on the boat


  • H.4320 – Amending precinct lines in Greenville County 

Government Structure

  • H.4341Allowing the Attorney General, upon recommendation of the Legislative Council, to review and determine the constitutionality of federal orders. Those that are found unconstitutional cannot be enforced on the state or local level. 
  • H.4322 – Creating a study committee that shall create recommendations to the White House Council on Environmental Quality on “Environmental Justice” meaning environmental impacts on certain communities including lacking infrastructure 
  • H.4342 – Specifying that the bachelor’s degree required for probate judges must be a bachelor of science or arts degree

Resolutions (Highlights) (55 Total)

  • S.782 – Declaring June 21 – 27 as amateur radio week
  • S.792 – Recognizing June 6 – 13 as SC Boating and Fishing Week and to commend the SC Boating and Fishing Alliance
  • H.4333 – Declaring May 9 – 15 as “Police Week”

Road Naming Resolutions 

  • S.783 – DOT shall name a road “William ‘Penn’ Troy Highway”
  • S.787 – DOT shall name a road “Captain Jerome Jones Road”
  • S.794 – DOT shall name a road “A. Lane Cribb Highway”
  • S.797 – DOT shall name certain roads “Veterans Memorial Highway” “Veterans Highway” “Gold Star Families Memorial Highway”
  • S.798 – DOT shall name a road “Patsy G. Knight Interchange”
  • H.4315 – DOT shall name a road “William ‘Penn’ Troy Highway”

Previous bills:

By South Carolina Policy Council

Since 1986 the South Carolina Policy Council Education Foundation has advocated innovative policy ideas that advance the principles of limited government and free enterprise. The Policy Council is the state’s meeting place for business leaders, policymakers, and academics – as well as engaged citizens – who want to see South Carolina become the most free state in the nation. For questions or comments on the articles on this website, please email Research Director Jamie Murguia.

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