Criminal Justice

  • H.4210 – Making it a felony to give out the private address, phone number or email of an elected official or government employee with the intent to intimidate, harass or threaten, punishable by up to five years in prison 
  • H.4213 – A judge may issue a search warrant to search for and seize electronic data from any business regardless of where the data is stored so long as the business conducts business or provides services in South Carolina; businesses in South Carolina, when served with a subpoena/warrant from another state, must act as if it were issued by a South Carolina court 


  • H.4211 – Allowing police to search your property and seize your firearms without warning, a process which would be initiated through a secretive court proceeding. Only after the weapons and ammunition are taken would the owner get a hearing to determine if their guns will be returned. 

Government Structure

  • H.4219 – Giving more power to legislative delegations in appointing board members to the Dept. of Natural Resources, and preventing a board member from serving more than two terms 


  • H.4200 – The Darlington County School District must give the option to pay its employees on a year-round basis or during the period of their work (if less than a year) based on the employee’s choice
  • H.4212 – Interest can only accumulate on private student loans for the number of years the student was in school for their degree. Still allows government issued student loans to accumulate interest through the duration of the loan.


  • H.4187 – A referendum asking whether to raise taxes for special purpose districts must be held at the same time as the next general election 
  • H.4196 – Creating an income tax credit for an individual that runs a “student to work” program, which, generally speaking, links students and schools with the workplace. The program must be in compliance with the School to Work Opportunity Act of 1994
  • H.4197 – A homestead tax exemption recipient that makes less than $50,000 a year and reaches 85 years old is exempt from all property tax


  • H.4198 – Hospitals cannot charge higher fees to uninsured patients than insured patients for the same service 


  • S.750 – Overhauling redistricting laws (the process of drawing updated electoral district boundaries); requiring the General Assembly to establish a public hearing process, requiring consideration of multiple factors when forming boundaries  
  • H.4202 – Creating an independent redistricting commission whose members would be appointed by the State Ethics Commission via random selection 
  • H.4201 – Proposing a state constitutional amendment to make an independent redistricting commission (the specifics would have to be addressed in a future law)


  • S.751 – Adjusting the law to allow electric utilities to recover lost revenue due to customers generating their own power from customers that do not participate in such programs
  • H.4199 – Gas stations must sell fuel at the same price for customers using debit cards as they would cash
  • H.4203 – With notice, companies or contractors can repossess any removable piece of equipment  including HVACs 
  • H.4220 – A life insurance policy may be rescinded if it is agreed upon by all parties 
  • S.748 – Approving the Department of Labor’s regulations on the education requirements and licensing fees on auctioneers 

Resolutions (Highlights) (24 Total)

  • H.4204 – Declaring May fourth through fifth as “Palmetto Giving Day”
  • H.4217 – Declaring April 28th as “Workers’ Memorial Day”
  • S.753 – Resolution that the General Assembly will give preference to companies that wish to remediate and prevent algae blooms that meet certain standards and practices

Road Naming Resolutions 

  • H.4218 – DOT shall name a road “Christopher King, Sr. Memorial Highway”

Previous bills:

By South Carolina Policy Council

Since 1986 the South Carolina Policy Council Education Foundation has advocated innovative policy ideas that advance the principles of limited government and free enterprise. The Policy Council is the state’s meeting place for business leaders, policymakers, and academics – as well as engaged citizens – who want to see South Carolina become the most free state in the nation. For questions or comments on the articles on this website, please email Research Director Jamie Murguia.

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