
  • H.5027 – No legislator may pledge to vote for a candidate for a judicial office, legislators may not pressure a candidate to drop out of an election for judicial office


  • H.5029 – A Nonprofit that grosses one billion or more and reduces their staff by 100 must present a report and representatives to explain why the reduction was necessary  
  • H.5057 – A utility company may not charge late, delinquent, overdue, or unpaid balances from one account to another account held in the same customer’s name
  • H.5062 – Allows DNR to make a fishing or hunting license out of a durable material if the user pays a fee
  • H.5070 – No insurer or benefit group may exclude applicants for preexisting conditions, policies may not be voided for the applicant misleading the insurer about preexisting conditions 
  • H.5071 – Tattoo parlors must get permission from nearby churches, schools, and playgrounds to do business, the approving entities can withdraw their approval when the parlor tries to renew its license (currently tattoo parlors cannot operate within a certain distance of churches, schools, or playgrounds)             
  • H.5073 – Mandating splash guards on trucks that are larger than three quarter ton, or that have been modified to have a higher center of gravity, with a punishment of a misdemeanor for non-compliance    
  • H.5083 – requiring licensing boards to award certain licenses to armed service members who meet certain qualifications as electricians, assistant nurses, nurses, plumbers, or contractors 
  • S.1066 – Law enforcement can require a cellphone company reveal location information of a person if the situation involves serious danger
  • S.1067 – Repealing age restrictions for judges to join the judicial pension plan, and repealing the mandated retirement age for judges and magistrates
  • S.1068 – Repeals Migratory Waterfowl Committee creation act, and permits section for hunting them, as well as re-adding the definition of Migratory Waterfowl     


  • H.5037 – All public schools must have metal detectors at public entrances, contingent on appropriation from the General Assembly     
  • H.5056 – All public schools must close on Veterans Day
  • H.5059 – Requiring schools to make kids have physical exercise for 90 minutes a day and to report the results to the General Assembly    


  • H.5034 – Charleston County School District must elect school board members according to county council districts instead of at large from the whole county 

Government Structure 

  • H.5030 – Adding two members to the Dorchester County CTC
  • H.5028 – Annexing a portion of Georgetown County into Horry County
  • H.5032 – Emergency contracts can only be awarded after the governor has declared an emergency, and can only be issued up to 90 days after the emergency is declared     
  • H.5072 – Expanding the Human Affairs Commission ability to require access to employer’s records, extending the time limitation on a civil suit filed after inaction or dismissal by the commission, removing the requirement of verification of the complaint and response to a discriminatory housing allegation, and removing the statute of limitation on a discriminatory housing suit if it meets certain requirements of the Commission  
  • H.5081 – Constitutional amendment requiring increased contributions to the General Reserve Fund (5% to 7%) and increased contribution to the Capital Reserve Fund (3% to 5%)
  • H.5082 – Statutorily requiring increased contributions to the General Reserve Fund (5% to 7%) and increase contribution to the Capital Reserve Fund (2% to 3%)
  • S.1048 – Allowing members of the Aeronautic Commission to serve a second term 

Criminal Justice 

  • H.5045 – Profanity on public property, disturbing a funeral service, and not leaving a building when ordered to by a cop or firefighter will have graduated punishments for repeat offenses with a 5 year maximum sentence. Expands definitions of crimes related to entry on school property and blocking or harassing a funeral procession              
  • H.5058 – Ordering the State Board of Pharmacy to create temporary regulations against the use or possession of synthetic drugs they think could be abused for a short period until the legislature decides to approve or deny the prohibition, and to recommend drugs that should be scheduled to the general assembly 
  • H.5060 – Requiring synthetic analogues of existing illegal drugs to be scheduled   
  • S.1060 – Adding a hate crime as an aggravating factor to crimes and allowing the family court to charge minors with hate crimes


  • H.5061 – If a prisoner makes less than the minimum wage they will not have a percentage taken out to defray the prison’s cost
  • H.5064 – Special tax assessment for property tax no longer requires that the owner’s spouse does not live elsewhere and modifies what documents are required to prove residence
  • H.5068 – Items sold to schools and higher education for the safety of students is exempt from sales tax
  • S.1053 – Allows counties to schedule their own penalty and due dates for taxes, requires them to give notice to the community
  • S.1055 – Diversion of property tax revenue from airline companies to the State Aviation Fund instead of being split between that fund and the General Fund      

Resolutions (highlights)

  • H.5026 – Resolution to name an interchange after Michelle and Barack Obama   
  • H.5063 – Resolution to make Feb. 4th “Cities Mean Business Day” 
  • 1051 – Resolution to recognize Nov. 19, 2020 as “TSA Appreciation Day”

Previous weeks

By South Carolina Policy Council

Since 1986 the South Carolina Policy Council Education Foundation has advocated innovative policy ideas that advance the principles of limited government and free enterprise. The Policy Council is the state’s meeting place for business leaders, policymakers, and academics – as well as engaged citizens – who want to see South Carolina become the most free state in the nation. For questions or comments on the articles on this website, please email Research Director Jamie Murguia.

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