South Carolina’s Roads Problem Isn’t about Revenue
IT’S ABOUT STRUCTURE, NOT MONEY – ACCOUNTABILITY, NOT TAXES Every South Carolinian who drives a car knows our state’s roads need work. Many have also heard about the Department of Transportation’s…
The South Carolina Policy Council Archive
Limited Government | Free Enterprise | Individual Liberty
IT’S ABOUT STRUCTURE, NOT MONEY – ACCOUNTABILITY, NOT TAXES Every South Carolinian who drives a car knows our state’s roads need work. Many have also heard about the Department of Transportation’s…
H.3464 would stipulate that a license from the State Board of Barber Examiners is required to operate a barber school in South Carolina. Under current law barber colleges and their…
H.3453 would establish that students enrolled in public institutions of higher education or student organizations have the right to be represented by an attorney or “nonattorney advocate” at a “disciplinary proceeding…
H.3451 would allow a supervising anesthesiologist to supervise up to 4 anesthesiologist assistants instead of the 2 currently permitted by state law. Permitting anesthesiologists to supervise an increased number of assistants…
H.3450 would mandate that no beer, wine, or liquor wholesaler deliver any of these alcoholic beverages to an alcohol retailer until they have been “received unloaded, and stored or warehoused at…
H.3448 is a reintroduction of last session’s S.936. Like last session’s bill H.3448 would require the owner of an air ambulance to obtain a permit from the Department of Health and…
H.3445 would impose two new 7 cent per gallon taxes on motor fuels including gasoline. Combined these two new taxes would nearly double the current state gas tax. All of the…
H.3431 would prohibit any political subdivisions of the state (any form of local government) from requiring employers to provide any form of employee benefits. Employee benefits are defined as “anything of…
Companion bills H.3429 and S.473 would slowly restore the funding level of the local government fund (LGF) over three years until it once again received its full legally required funding amount (4.5% of…
H.3427 would make forfeit any retirement benefits a public office holder may have accrued during their time in office if during that time in office they are convicted, plead guilty, or…
H.3414 would continue a legislative push begun in 2014 by allowing Board of Trustees of the College of Charleston (COC) to designate the institution a research university. Last year’s push began…