Taxation and Spending 

  • S.1127 – Making the tax credit on solar energy systems refundable (you can earn a refund through the credit not just reduce your income tax)
  • S.1123 – If a firefighter leaves the department that hired him and trained him for another in the state within two years of starting, the new department must reimburse the other for the cost of training including salary. If they stayed with the original department for more than a year but not two, the new department only has to reimburse 50% 
  • H.5304 – Income tax deduction for overtime worked in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
  • S.1134 – Increasing (from 3 to 5) the membership of the Hartsville Community Center Building Commission which is appointed by the Governor and the local legislative delegation 

Criminal Justice 

  • H.5287 – Adds a definition of anti-Semitism for the State Human Affairs Commission 
  • S.1136 – Ordering that the state will not comply with federal attempts to regulate firearms that were created and owned in South Carolina, no local or federal official may enforce federal gun laws on firearms made and owned in this state, to be complaint a firearm must have “Made in South Carolina” on it
  • H.5317 – Ordering that the state will not comply with federal attempts to regulate firearms that were created and owned in South Carolina, no local or federal official may enforce federal gun laws on firearms made and owned in this state, to be complaint a firearm must have “Made in South Carolina” on it


  • H.5288 – Closing party primary elections, minimum time for party membership is two years, state election commission and county entities will keep list of people registered with parties, lying on the party registration form is considered perjury   
  • H.5305 – Setting voting precincts in Lancaster County


  • S.1129 – Changing regulations on the PSA; a director shall not be appointed for more than two consecutive unexpired terms, setting qualifications for board members, PSA and ORS must receive and review public comment on rate changes, the PSA shall submit an integrated resource plan to the PSC instead of the State Energy Office
  • H.5308 – If a call center is relocating at least 30% of its business to a foreign country they must notify the director of DLLR or be subject to civil penalties of up to $10,000 a day that they are not in compliance, if the company does move its call center, it is not eligible for state loans or grants for 5 years. State agencies that hire call center must make sure they are in the state.
  • H.5309 – A bill regulating ride sharing services stating that a personal vehicle may be registered with the PSC as a charter limo but does not have to be
  • H.5307 – Requiring potential teachers fulfill student teaching requirements before being allowed to take the national licensing test
  • H.5306 – Makes property that is converted from agricultural use to a structure require “setback lines” unless consent is gained from adjoining property owners to waive the setback line rule 

Road Naming Bills

  • H.5286 – Road naming bill for fallen officer Allen Lee Jacobs
  • H.5300 – Resolution for DOT to name a road after a fallen firefighter
  • H.5301 – Resolution for the DOT to name a road after a fallen fire engineer

Resolutions (highlights)

  • H.5285 – Declaring March 4 as “Etiquette Day in South Carolina”
  • H.5318 – Resolution for Herbkersman being named “Greater Bluffton Republican of the Year”
  • H.5310 – Resolution for the “2020 Poultry Festival Distinguished Citizen”
  • S.1132 Resolution to make November 28th “Savannah River Site Day”

Previous weeks

By South Carolina Policy Council

Since 1986 the South Carolina Policy Council Education Foundation has advocated innovative policy ideas that advance the principles of limited government and free enterprise. The Policy Council is the state’s meeting place for business leaders, policymakers, and academics – as well as engaged citizens – who want to see South Carolina become the most free state in the nation. For questions or comments on the articles on this website, please email Research Director Jamie Murguia.

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