Individual Rights

  • S.841 – Expands gun ban that currently applies to drug users, those with an outstanding restraining order, and persons identified as “mentally defective” to include all firearms (including shotguns, hunting rifles, etc.)


  • H.4594 – Family of legislators, including a child, spouse or parent, cannot be elected to judicial office while that lawmaker is in office (and up to a year after)
  • H.4595 – State official cannot receive anything of value, including travel, from party bidding on a contract that the state official oversees
  • H.4596 – Person is ineligible to serve on a university board of trustees if they made a campaign contribution to any lawmaker within previous year

Government Structure

  • S.833 – Land surveys that meet existing standards are exempt from review by state agencies
  • S.839 – Vesting public works powers with the Spartanburg Sanitary Sewer District Commission
  • S.840 – Prohibiting vendors from submitting bid to Spartanburg Water System (SWS) if that vendor was solicited by SWS to make a charitable contribution to a related foundation or cause
  • H.4563 – Dept. of Probation is responsible for registering sex offenders instead of the local sheriff

Tax and Spending

  • H.4564 – Amending vehicle property tax exemption for disabled veterans to include vehicles which are jointly owned (presumably by a veteran and their spouse)
  • H.4597– If a county hospitality fee has been in effect and uninterrupted since 1996, then the county can continue to impose that fee

Criminal Justice

  • H.4574 – Stronger protections for police officers who shoot animals while on duty, property owners may kill dogs that threaten large livestock


  • H.4575 – Palmetto Fellows and LIFE scholarship money will be awarded to students based on attempted credit hours rather than a uniform lump sum each semester
  • H.4576 – Increasing higher education spending, creating enterprise divisions (SCPC analysis)
  • H.4580 – Constitutional amendment requiring that education lottery funds must be used specifically for scholarships and tuition assistance
  • H.4599 – Creates study committee to evaluate current student tests (SC READY & SCPASS)


  • S.828 – Group insurance may cover deformity of the temporomandibular joint
  • S.829 – Dept. of Natural Resources regulation banning public access to certain public trust lands
  • S.835 – ATV parks must submit a “stormwater management and sediment control plan”, Dept. of Health and Environmental Control must approve permit, potential fines of up to $500 per day for unspecified violations
  • S.838 – Regulating drones over Lake Bowen
  • H.4541 – Abandoned vehicles in possession of a salvage dealer may be taken by the dealer and receive a title for the vehicle after attempts to return the vehicle, recover fees, and 35 days have past
  • H.4573 – Removes requirement that establishments serving alcohol must provide “table service”, states that movie theaters may only serve alcohol if they have food prep equipment and can provide hot meals during normal hours
  • H.4593 – If municipality offers water or sewer service to individuals in another jurisdiction, it must be offered at the same price as for those within the municipality
  • H.4598 – Land surveys that meet existing standards are exempt from review by state agencies

Resolutions (highlights)

  • H.4584 – Resolution to honor upcoming NBA player, Zion Williamson
  • H.4583 – Resolution to celebrate anniversary of a steel mill
  • H.4570 – Resolution to celebrate the 77th Hampton County Watermelon Festival
  • H.4572 – Resolution to congratulate a wedding anniversary

By South Carolina Policy Council

Since 1986 the South Carolina Policy Council Education Foundation has advocated innovative policy ideas that advance the principles of limited government and free enterprise. The Policy Council is the state’s meeting place for business leaders, policymakers, and academics – as well as engaged citizens – who want to see South Carolina become the most free state in the nation. For questions or comments on the articles on this website, please email Research Director Jamie Murguia.