Prohibiting Local Governments from Enforcing Firearm Regulations

S.36 is identical to last sessions S.885, the bills would bar any political subdivisions of the state from enforcing regulations related to transfers, ownership, possession, carrying or transportation of knives, firearms, ammunition, or components of firearms. Currently political subdivisions are prohibited from issuing new firearm regulations but not from enforcing existing state regulations. Given the highly questionable benefits of any and all gun control measures it will do little harm and may save many citizens a good amount of unnecessary trouble and harassment by limiting the enforcement of firearm regulation to the governing body that creates them; the state.

By South Carolina Policy Council

Since 1986 the South Carolina Policy Council Education Foundation has advocated innovative policy ideas that advance the principles of limited government and free enterprise. The Policy Council is the state’s meeting place for business leaders, policymakers, and academics – as well as engaged citizens – who want to see South Carolina become the most free state in the nation. For questions or comments on the articles on this website, please email Research Director Jamie Murguia.