. . . AND KILLS A TERRIBLE ONE During the first day of organizational session on December 2, the House voted on and approved a package of 15 rule changes…
Every lawmaker in South Carolina seems to support roll call voting. And for good reason. Citizens have a fundamental right to know how their representatives are voting. Still, legislators continue…
As the 119th session of the General Assembly begins, roll call voting remains a hot button issue. Of the 11 bills currently before the General Assembly, we’ve identified five of…
In 2009 and 2010, the House and Senate combined only recorded 25 percent of their votes. Significant laws that didn’t receive a recorded vote in the Senate range from multimillion…
Each year we review the best and worst ideas taken up during the legislative session, focusing on those bills that will either make South Carolina more free and more prosperous…
Advocates of good government in South Carolina have long recognized that the state’s governing structure is outdated, inefficient and not transparent. At the root of the problem is a concentration…
This memorandum addresses, specifically, whether S.C. House Bill H. 3047 (hereinafter "H 3047") is constitutional and, more generally, whether the changes to the method of recording votes in both houses…
In 2008, the South Carolina Policy Council (SCPC) released research showing that the S.C. General Assembly passed bills with a recorded vote only 5 percent of the time.[1] In January…
S.C. House Passes One Excellent Reform
. . . AND KILLS A TERRIBLE ONE During the first day of organizational session on December 2, the House voted on and approved a package of 15 rule changes…
5 (Poor) Excuses for Opposing Roll Call Voting Reform
Every lawmaker in South Carolina seems to support roll call voting. And for good reason. Citizens have a fundamental right to know how their representatives are voting. Still, legislators continue…
Legislative Analysis: Roll Call Voting Bills
As the 119th session of the General Assembly begins, roll call voting remains a hot button issue. Of the 11 bills currently before the General Assembly, we’ve identified five of…
Legislation Passed Without a Roll Call Vote in the Senate
In 2009 and 2010, the House and Senate combined only recorded 25 percent of their votes. Significant laws that didn’t receive a recorded vote in the Senate range from multimillion…
7 for ’11: 7 Ways Lawmakers Can Make South Carolina Better – Now
Each year we review the best and worst ideas taken up during the legislative session, focusing on those bills that will either make South Carolina more free and more prosperous…
Fact Sheet: Reform the Legislature, Shorten Session, Record Every Vote
Advocates of good government in South Carolina have long recognized that the state’s governing structure is outdated, inefficient and not transparent. At the root of the problem is a concentration…
Constitutionality of Roll Call Voting Requirement
This memorandum addresses, specifically, whether S.C. House Bill H. 3047 (hereinafter "H 3047") is constitutional and, more generally, whether the changes to the method of recording votes in both houses…
Roll Call Voting in South Carolina Fact Sheet
In 2008, the South Carolina Policy Council (SCPC) released research showing that the S.C. General Assembly passed bills with a recorded vote only 5 percent of the time.[1] In January…